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23, female

  Level 28

Posts: 4355

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

from Skullet on 07/12/2016 10:19 PM

Suzy keek fronsend op over het verhaal van Lillian. ''Wait are you serious right now?'' fronsde ik en streelde mijn hand over mijn haren heen. ''Maybe that's why she thinks she can't help Stefan. Because she doesn't see him as her family anymore. But she doesn't know he still needed his mom. Even though he's a vampire he always been a guy who needed his mom in hard times. By switching his humanity off he doesn't even think about that anymore. So that turns out that we can surprise him.'' rammelde Suzy aan één keer door. ''Sorry, but she really can be our opportunity.'' zuchtte Suzy.


''Lex malla, lex nulla''



23, female

  Level 28

Posts: 4355

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

from Skullet on 07/12/2016 04:36 PM

Suzy keek naar de weg die richting Mystic Falls ging en zuchtte even kort. ''We can also ask more help. So you won't have to do it all alone. You just got magic, or well. You just got to know you got it. So it is obviously hard to do all spells.'' mompelde ze en keek even kort naar Alexis. ''But first we need to get to the others to help set up the plan. It's Kai's spell on the cave and it's not easy to find someone with magic likewise. I think it's even easier for you because the magic you own is part of his.'' knikte Suzy en keek naar de weg. Op dit moment reden ze ook Mystic Falls binnen.


''Lex malla, lex nulla''



23, female

  Level 28

Posts: 4355

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

from Skullet on 07/12/2016 03:38 PM

Suzy keek Alexis even kort aan. ''No not yet, I haven't heard anything and I think we should go by and looking how it's going with it and everything. But that's only if you want to also.'' zei ze en keek even extra goed over de wegen heen. ''Or we could call them how it's going and what Lillian wants to do. We did get her out of the prisonworld so I don't really see a problem with her trying to visit Stefan and trying to get his humanity back. It's the least she could do for all of us.


''Lex malla, lex nulla''



23, female

  Level 28

Posts: 4355

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

from Skullet on 07/12/2016 01:45 PM

Suzy keek haar kort even aan alsof ze gek was toen ze dat zei maar daarna grinnikte ze toch even. ''I rather have someone stake me with a wooden piece then that I want you to turn yourself when you're a grandmother. Besides all of that. Why worrying now when we even can die every second of the day.'' mompelde Suzy en keek naar Alexis. ''Maybe we get killed when we try to get Stefans humanity back or what ever else. So not thinking about the future is the best. I think.'' mompelde ze en keek haar even aan.


''Lex malla, lex nulla''



23, female

  Level 28

Posts: 4355

Re: Temptation Island

from Skullet on 07/12/2016 12:26 PM

Clare Wood - 22 - actief - afgezonderd - spraakzaam - job : gitarist in band
Jake Riley - 24 - fanatiek - kort lontje - job : beveiliger bij evenementen
Als jij trouwens zou willen beginnen :)


''Lex malla, lex nulla''



23, female

  Level 28

Posts: 4355

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

from Skullet on 07/12/2016 11:41 AM

Suzy keek met een zwakke glimlach naar Alexis in de auto. ''I know Alexis, I know. But then again, I'm happy that I got turned because if I didn't we didn't meet the others. You didn't meet Kai. We would have never known about everything that's happening in this world. We wouldn't know  the truth. So in that way. I am happy.'' glimlachde ze en pakte Alexis haar hand vast. ''All thought I don't think I would be able to live forever while you are there growing old as it should be. Because you won't be by my side.''


''Lex malla, lex nulla''



23, female

  Level 28

Posts: 4355

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

from Skullet on 07/11/2016 11:30 PM

Suzy keek naar Alexis en slikte even kort om de woorden die haar lippen verlieten. ''You were happy indeed. Everything went well. But then you gotta think like this. There is always that part in the world that makes you fight for that what you want, for that what you love and will keep loving for ever. Especially in the supernatural world, which u are apart from right now. Supernatural is maybe something special which humans don't believe in or don't know about. But then again there are vampires walking side by side with them. Witches who can turn them into whatever they want. And werewolf who people can hear howling at night and whatever more.  In this world we live in nothing is going to make you happy.'' mompelde Suzy en startte de auto. ''You just gotta make your live worth living.'' zei ze nog als laatsts en luisterde weer verder naar wat Alexis zei. Over kinderen over haar. Kort glimlachde ze er toch wel even op. ''Well, I wish I could forgot the way I got turned. I wish I could be human again, not feel everything more than it should be. Hear everything clearer, see everything clearer. No spots on my skin and no blood to be seen. I want to be able to eat like a normal human being and not to be craving for blood al the fucking time. I want to feel the pain everyone is feeling, and I want a child of my own. It's just hard, and horrible. And there are nights I wish I could end it all but then I remind myself. That Im not just living for myself. That there may be a reason for me to be the way I am right now.'' zuchtte ze en keek door de spiegel.ouyt.jpg

''Lex malla, lex nulla''



23, female

  Level 28

Posts: 4355

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

from Skullet on 07/11/2016 10:06 PM

Suzy keek met een grijns naar Katherine die uitgeput zich op de grond had laten vallen. ''I hope you rot in hell, thank you.'' glimlachde ze terwijl ze een korte knipoog gaf en vervolgens keek ze naar Stefan. Hij wist het misschien niet maar zijn humanity zou terug komen. Daar was ze zeker van, aangezien hij altijd al een mama's jongetje was geweest. Misschien liet hij het dan niet echt merken maar door de manier waarop hij de herinneringen en de gesprekken altijd wegvaagde was dat het geval. Terwijl ze weg liep met Alexis keek ze zuchtend naar de grot. ''I wish he wasn't like that.'' mompelde ze.


''Lex malla, lex nulla''



23, female

  Level 28

Posts: 4355

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

from Skullet on 07/11/2016 05:51 PM

Suzy keek naar Stefan terwijl ze tegen de muur aan bleef staan. Haar ogen waren gesloten maar ze kon het gegrom horen van Stefan en Katherine. En de kreunen die van pijn bleken te zijn. ''Fun right. And that's how they both felt. Like walking through a fire and knowing it can only stop when the one causing it wil stop. In this case you both can stay like this. For what you've done to her and Kai you will pay.'' mompelde Suzy en keek naar Alexis.


''Lex malla, lex nulla''



23, female

  Level 28

Posts: 4355

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

from Skullet on 07/11/2016 05:19 PM

Suzy had haar ogen ge fixeerd op Katherine. DIe zich vast begon te houden aan de muur om geen pijn te laten zien. ''Ssh Katherine, it's okay to show feelings. Not that I thought u had them but still. It's okay to show pain!'' mompelde Suzy vooral het laatste een stuk luider. ''And we all know Stefan, that you are the most surprised of all of us.'' mompelde ze en kwam overeind. ''Just a headup, enjoy your no humanity while u stilll can.'' zuchtte ze en keek naar Alexis.


''Lex malla, lex nulla''

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