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Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]
from Nemesis on 06/15/2016 06:37 PMAlexis gaf hem een kus op zijn lippen "Well I'm glad you made it back, because I really need you" zei ze. Ze liep naar luke en hurktte bij hem neer, nadat Suzy dit had gedaan. "You really didn't deserve this Luke, I know I wanted Kai back but that doesn't takes the fact away that this is horrible. Actually I wanted non of you to die. Rest in peace Luke, thanks for everything you've done for us" zei Alexis. Ze liep naar Kai toe en omhelsde hem, ze baste nu echt los, alles werd teveel. En haar emoties waren ook zoveel heviger vanwegen de hormonen.
Stefan liep lachend het plein op waar Jo, Suzy, Kai en Alexis stonden. En Luke dood lag. "Perfect timing to make a comeback" zei Stefan grijnsend. Hij ging met zijn vamp snelheid op Alexis af en trok haar mee. Hij hield haar tegen de boom aan aan haar nek. "Gosh do you ever stop crying" zuchte Stefan. Hij wees naar Suzy die op hem af wilde komen. "One stap and here nek is broken" siste Stefan. "It's good to be back lachde hij.
These voices in my head screaming "Run now", I'm praying that they're human
Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]
from Nemesis on 06/15/2016 06:03 PM"Wait you two are expecting a child?" Vroeg Jo verbaasd. Alexis knikte "I tried to hide it, but it came to that point I can't hide it anymore" zei Alexis terwijl ze haar losse hand op haar buik legde, haar andere hand had ze namelijk op Kai zijn wang liggen. "I'm so scared because they are growing way to fast" snikte Alexis. "So I really can't loose Kai, I can't raise twins on my own without their father" zei Alexis. "That's why Damon is trying to kill me, because I'm pregnant" zei Alexis. Ze voelde wat op haar benen op haar schoot. "Kai!" Zei ze opgelucht, maar ze kreeg ook meer tranen aangezien Luke nu dood is, iemand van hun vriendengroep.
These voices in my head screaming "Run now", I'm praying that they're human
Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]
from Nemesis on 06/15/2016 05:30 PMKai was al een tijd geleden vertrokken en Alexis kon het echt niet aan de spanning. Vandaar dat ze opweg was naar de plek waar hij zou zijn. Toen ze er aan kwam zag ze hem op de grond liggen en rende op hem af. Ze ging op haar knieën zitten bij hem en legde zijn hoofd op haar schoot. Ze keek even naar de zijkant waar Jo bij Luke zat. Is Kai nu serrieus met Luke aan het merchen. Luke is heel goed met magie wat Alexis ongerust maakte. Er liepen tranen lang haar wangen aangezien ze het er niet geruststellend uit zag. "Only one of them will wake up" zei Jo die natuurlijk hoopte dat Luke wakker zou worden. "Kai has to be the one, I can't loose him" zei Alexis snikkend. "Alexis there are more boys in this world, much better ones for you. So I know it will be hard when he won't wake up, but you'll get trough that" zei Jo."You don't understand Jo" zei Alexis. Ze snikte "I'm pregnant, we are pregnant" zei Alexis met de tranen die over haar gezicht stroomde.
These voices in my head screaming "Run now", I'm praying that they're human
Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]
from Nemesis on 06/15/2016 04:24 PMAlexis was toch wel bang voor morgen, ze wilde eigenlijk dat geen van beide dood zou gaan. Waarom kan de ene niet gewoon leider worden en de ander verder leven? Ze was maar blij in dit geval dat ze niet supernatural is. Als Kai de nieuwe leider zou worden, zou dat betekenen dat hun twins dan ook later moeten merchen. Ze zouden dus een van hen verliezen. Gelukkig hadden ze daar nog lang niet mee te maken. Ze kan hem niet beloven niet te komen, ze gaat hem niet daar alleen laten. Na een tijdje zou ze komen kijken.
These voices in my head screaming "Run now", I'm praying that they're human
Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]
from Nemesis on 06/15/2016 07:04 AM"Yeah okay, you have to take some rest for tomorrow" glimlachde ze. "Goodnight, tomorrow is going to be a big day" zei ze en ging toen liggen en trok de deken over zich heen. Hier hoefde ze gelukkig ook niet bang te zijn voor vamps aangezien die niet binnen kunnen komen. Het was ook wel te gek voor woorden dat ze niet eens in haar eigen huis kon zijn. Dat ze daar onveilig was vanwege Damon die haar wilt doden. Aan Stefan heeft ze ook niks, ze weet niet eens waar hij is. Waarschijnlijk ergens een ripper party houden ofso.
These voices in my head screaming "Run now", I'm praying that they're human
Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]
from Nemesis on 06/14/2016 09:40 PM"That's the sweetest thing somebody ever said to me" zei Alexis zachtjes. "I won't hurt you either or betray you for my friends. I will be by your side and you can always tell me your problems. I'll be the listening ear, and I'll be always by your side" zei Alexis. "It's so bad that we both are the most talkative persons in the world, we always like talk for hours and hours" lachde ze. "It never gets boring or we never have nothing left to say" lachde Alexis. "It's something special for sure."
These voices in my head screaming "Run now", I'm praying that they're human
Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]
from Nemesis on 06/14/2016 09:16 PM"Wait I don't wanna change you at all, please tell me if I do because I don't hope that you get me wrong, you really don't have to chancd who you are for me. I fell in love with the person I met in that house when I was drunk. Not someone who I maybe will chance them into." Zei Alexis. Alexis wreef met haar duim over zijn wang. "You are perfect to me" zei ze zachtjes. "And I maybe secretly even like your evil face, it's pretty hot" lachde ze.
These voices in my head screaming "Run now", I'm praying that they're human
Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]
from Nemesis on 06/14/2016 08:53 PM"Jup Katherine, I really hated here, at first I was like really nice o here, but she was always bitchy and I tried to stay kind to here for Damon and Stefan, but that girl is out of here mind. She tried to kill me like a good 4 times if it wasn't more" zei Alexis. "And at the end it's the human that survived and the psycho vamp died" zei Alexis. "I don't care if it will take long, I wanna be able to protect myself, so not everyone has to protect me." Antwoorde ze even. "That's right, I forgot that you were trapped in a prison world for like 22 years, gosh you've been trapped in there since the year I was born" lachde. "You missed so much good things, we'll watch that movie with Katniss another time. Maybe you will even like it. It's about kids in an areana that have to fight till one person is left. And a tragic love story bla bla bla" lachde Alexis. "I like your name, Malachai doesn't sounds evil. I think it original and cute" glimlachde. "Thank you baby for willing to do this for me, and everything you are doing for me" zei Alexis.
These voices in my head screaming "Run now", I'm praying that they're human
Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]
from Nemesis on 06/14/2016 07:24 PM"I don't understand my friends right now, except Suzy, they are all hating the fact I'm with sombody they call a psycho, and they are all making a big drama about it, while both of my cousins dated a psycho at the same time. Who tried to kill me a couple of times because I detracted Stefan from getting to here or something. But nobody seems to blame them, they all didn't make a drama about her" zei Alexis. "I'm glad that bitch died. She is the one that turned them both, because they wanted it so bad and because they were madly in love with her" zei Alexis. "Please learn me how to fight, I wanna have a specialty, I'm just tired to be usless and being the victim. I wanna be like Katniss with the bow and arrow, just a powerful woman" zei ze toen.
These voices in my head screaming "Run now", I'm praying that they're human
Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]
from Nemesis on 06/14/2016 05:40 PM"So basically Malachai and Alexis junior" lachde ze en legde haar hoofd op zijn schouder. "Wel we have enough time to think about the names. At least, I think so. I don't know how fast it will happen" zei zei toen. "Everything will be alright at the end, there are so many problems right now, but you can't have a rainbow without a little rain" zei Alexis. "I think it's just a jaloursy thing that's going on with Damon. He probably doesn't likes people having a baby because he knows he will never be able to get one himself" zei ze. Dat maakte het nog niet goed dat hij haar wilt doden.
These voices in my head screaming "Run now", I'm praying that they're human