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22, female

  Level 17

Posts: 1380

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

from Nemesis on 10/05/2016 08:33 PM

"Caroline, come on, you can get back right now, turn it on before you kill someone elses mom. Do you really think it's  nice to shut your humanity off afther your mom dies, and go on a killing spree. Other mothers  will lose daughters, and other daughters will lose their mothers. Do you really think they deserve that just because you lost your mother?"  Zei Stefan in de hoop haar meteen te raken. Al leek dat niet het geval, want al snel was ze nergens meer te bekennen.


These voices in my head screaming "Run now", I'm praying that they're human

Reply Edited on 10/05/2016 08:34 PM.


22, female

  Level 17

Posts: 1380

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

from Nemesis on 10/05/2016 07:53 PM

Stefan keek op toen Caroline begon te lachen "Honestly I don't  care, I won't  care anymore"  hoorde Stefan haar zeggen. Hij liep op haar af en legde voorzichtig een hand op haar schouder "Care don't  do it, shutting  your humanity off is not the way to go, it will only make things worse"  zei Stefan. Aan haar ogen te zien was ze bezig. "NOO!"  riep hij. Hij kon zien dat het te laat was en zette direct een stap achteruit. Caroline had nog nooit haar humanity uit gehad, dus hij weet niet wat te verwachten.

These voices in my head screaming "Run now", I'm praying that they're human

Reply Edited on 10/05/2016 07:54 PM.


22, female

  Level 17

Posts: 1380

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

from Nemesis on 10/05/2016 06:06 PM

Alexis stapte direct onder de douche, ze komt het huis niet meer onnodig uit, ze wil niet dat er weer wat gebeud, de afgelope tijd zijn ze overspoeld met slechte dingen. Dat terwijl  ze dit jaar haar studie  zal afronden. Nog maar een paar maanden te gaan  tot ze haar laatste toets krijgt  en dan haar diploma.

Stefan knikte hij hield Suzy haar hand vast en ging toen met vampier snelheid naar het huis van Caroline. Hij gooide de deur open "Caroline? Caroline are you here?"  Riep hij het huis in en snelde door naar de woonkamer waar hij haar aantrof.


These voices in my head screaming "Run now", I'm praying that they're human

Reply Edited on 10/05/2016 06:07 PM.


22, female

  Level 17

Posts: 1380

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

from Nemesis on 10/04/2016 07:55 PM

"And they  can be a bit weird, get used to that"  glimlachde ze. "Some thoughts I kinda don't want you to hear so I have to practice not sharing them, like when I fantasise about you" lachde ze. Ze liepen de oprit op. Ze pakte de sleutel en opende de deur. "Alright, for the upcoming like 5 hours you can find me in the shower. Naked. " zei ze en liep snel de trap op en ging snel naar de badkamer.

"I knew something wasn't  right but I didn't expected her to actually die like already" zei Stefan hoofdschuddend. "Probably home or something. Packing  things up to go away for a while?" Zei Stefan. "Now I'm evem more fucking mad at James. We should have punished him way more, now he got away to easily"  zei Stefan

These voices in my head screaming "Run now", I'm praying that they're human

Reply Edited on 10/04/2016 07:55 PM.


22, female

  Level 17

Posts: 1380

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

from Nemesis on 10/04/2016 06:00 PM

"I don't  have any secrets either, it's  just that I can get really pissed sometimes, and I don't  think you will still love me afther that. Not pissed at you though, but I can think some pretty bad things about that person" zei Alexis. "And I don't  mind hearing your evil thoughts,  you're like smoking hot when your are acting evil"  glimlachde ze.

"I know, I would be sort of coldharted to if I would have been in there for ages"  zei Stefan. Snel naderde ze het huis "I can't wait to taste blood again, I feel literally dead, more dead than we're technically are"  lachde hij. Zijn ogen vielen op een krant die voorbij vloog. Hij zetten zijn voet op de krant. Hij las het nieuws. "Liz is dead?"  Zei hij verbaasd. Hadden ze dat nou echt gemist? Ze is zonet begraven. Er staat dat de begravenis om 2 uur was, en  het is nu 5. Caroline zal echt teleurgesteld zijn dat Stefan en Suzy spoorloos waren."We have to get to Care"  zei hij toen.


These voices in my head screaming "Run now", I'm praying that they're human

Reply Edited on 10/04/2016 06:01 PM.


22, female

  Level 17

Posts: 1380

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

from Nemesis on 10/04/2016 07:15 AM

"I ques we have to learn on that part, because I actually don't  know anymore if I'm just thinking or talking to you "  lachde ze. "And do you really think it's  a good idea to go audition for a show or something as supernatural? I'm just scared something will go wrong and I will expose the whole supernatural world to everyone"  zuchtte ze. "Anyways, that audition isn't my biggest problem now" zei ze terwijl ze het huis naderde.

Stefan knikte "I'm glad about that too, I'm also kinda glad it were only two days, we also could have been in there for weeks, months, maybe years. We're imortal, he easily could  have kept us till he would die of a natural cause"  zei Stefan. "So I'm really glad he wasn't that good of an Augustien. And I'm also glad we're, or at least I am not in a fight with Alexis anymore. Because it secretly kinda bothered me"  zuchtte hij.


These voices in my head screaming "Run now", I'm praying that they're human

Reply Edited on 10/04/2016 07:16 AM.


22, female

  Level 17

Posts: 1380

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

from Nemesis on 10/02/2016 12:15 PM

Alexis keek naad Kai "How did you know about that? Besides that, I don't  even know if I'm going. It's  something stupid Elena and Bonnie did at Jo's party. I already know I won't  get a part, because I'm not even a real actor." Zei ze schouder ophalend. "I don't  think it's really handy as supernatural to start an career, especially not sinc I don't have total control over my magic. With bad things happening everyday I don't  even can assure that I would be on a set everyday"  zei ze 

"Yeah, Augustiens shouldn't  be fouled that easily. I get it from an everage person, but Augustiens are professionals. Well it's better for us that he wasn't , otherwise we could have been  stuck in there  for days"  zei Stefan. "First things first when we get home, I don't  know about you but I'm hella thirsty" zei hij



These voices in my head screaming "Run now", I'm praying that they're human

Reply Edited on 10/02/2016 12:16 PM.


22, female

  Level 17

Posts: 1380

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

from Nemesis on 10/01/2016 08:03 PM

"I know, it was horrible. I just don't  know how so many bad things can happen" zei ze toen. Ze herinderde dat ze maandag nog een of andere auditie had voor een film of tv-serie. Bonnie  en Elena hadden haar daarvoor  opgegeven op de vrijgezelleavond van Jo gedaan naar haar in de maling te hebben genomen. "I can't  wait to be home, and first shower for a couple of hours, and then go into bed and never come out. Maybe that will help keep the bad away" zei ze.

"Yeah, hopefully  we killed each and single one of them"  zei Stefan. "This  one wasn't  that good prepared though, thankfully"  knikte Stefan. "I can't  wait to get back home and like jump  right into bed" zuchtte Stefan.


These voices in my head screaming "Run now", I'm praying that they're human

Reply Edited on 10/01/2016 08:04 PM.


22, female

  Level 17

Posts: 1380

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

from Nemesis on 10/01/2016 07:28 PM

Alexis keek even achterom toen ze hout hoorde knetteren. Ook  voelde ze de warmte van het brandende gebouw over haar heen komen. Ze keek even naar Stefan en Suzy "I think it's  the best if we all went home. I think we need that. I'll talk to you later"  knikte ze.

Stefan nam Suzy in zijn armen toen ze buiten stonden en het huis in de brand ging. "I'm so glad we made it out, eventhough  we were only in there for 2 days. I don't  understand how Damon and Enzo survived in there for  weeks. I quess it was a good thing to have witches in there"  zei hij en keek  naar het brandende gebouw.

These voices in my head screaming "Run now", I'm praying that they're human

Reply Edited on 10/01/2016 07:28 PM.


22, female

  Level 17

Posts: 1380

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

from Nemesis on 10/01/2016 07:09 PM

"Thanks Suzy"  zei Stefan en pakte het hoofd van James met beide handen vast en gaf een flike trap tegen zijn lichaam waardoor hij alleen nog maar het hoofd van de jongeman vast heeft. Deze liet hij vallen en liep toen met Suzy naar de deur. "The honor is for  you  to burn the whole place down"  zei Stefan tegen Kai toen ze bij de uitgang kwamen.

Alexis keek  Kai even aan "it feels so nice to hold you again"  zei  ze en probeerde  niet te luisteren naar wat er gebeurde. "I feel so so dirty, I wanna go home and shower for hours and hours" zei ze zachtjes. "If it wasn't for you guys I wouldn't  have done this" zei ze toen.


These voices in my head screaming "Run now", I'm praying that they're human

Reply Edited on 10/01/2016 07:10 PM.
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