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Re: Voetnoten in essays ed. zijn stom
from Sophie on 05/31/2015 03:05 PMWat zijn voetnoten hahaha? In welke klas zit je?
You are born and then you die, but in between you can do anything you want. It's society that creates rules for us, but you can break out of that.
Re: Leuke liedjes?
from Sophie on 05/31/2015 02:59 PMChris Brown - Five more hours
You are born and then you die, but in between you can do anything you want. It's society that creates rules for us, but you can break out of that.
Re: modellen
from Sophie on 05/31/2015 01:22 PMDat staat er al, onderaan bij Modellen staat: Total: 425 Result(s).
You are born and then you die, but in between you can do anything you want. It's society that creates rules for us, but you can break out of that.
Re: Ugh, ik wil trouwen T.T
from Sophie on 05/30/2015 10:22 PMJaa ik wil ook trouwen, ik wou dat ik oud genoeg was en school had afgemaakt en alles, en dat ik de ware had gevonden, maar dat moet allemaal nog komen (hoop ik).
You are born and then you die, but in between you can do anything you want. It's society that creates rules for us, but you can break out of that.
Re: Wel eens een 1 gehad...
from Sophie on 05/29/2015 10:47 PMIk had een keer een 0 voor me toets, maar die vrouw gaf me er 1 puntje bij omdat ik me naam goed had
geschreven dus ik had een 1 !:)
Hahahahahah toch nog iets goed gedaan
You are born and then you die, but in between you can do anything you want. It's society that creates rules for us, but you can break out of that.
Wel eens een 1 gehad...
from Sophie on 05/29/2015 10:42 PM(op school) omdat je iets op de computer moest maken/typen, er heel lang aan hebt gewerkt en het blijkbaar niet was opgeslagen? Ik 1 keer en dat was zo oneerlijk, maar ik had echt geen zin meer om al die moeite opnieuw te doen ofzo ugh, maar die hele opdracht sloeg ook nergens op.
You are born and then you die, but in between you can do anything you want. It's society that creates rules for us, but you can break out of that.
Re: Facebook pagina Hello Model
from Sophie on 05/29/2015 05:37 PMOh er is er al een van Hello model, of is dit de jouwe?
Deze staat helemaal onderin bij de home page, onder de nieuwe leden.
You are born and then you die, but in between you can do anything you want. It's society that creates rules for us, but you can break out of that.
Re: Facebook pagina Hello Model
from Sophie on 05/29/2015 05:19 PMDat is wel waar denk ik
You are born and then you die, but in between you can do anything you want. It's society that creates rules for us, but you can break out of that.
Re: Facebook pagina Hello Model
from Sophie on 05/29/2015 03:39 PMhh
You are born and then you die, but in between you can do anything you want. It's society that creates rules for us, but you can break out of that.
Re: Ik was vanochtend te laat op school 0_0 en toen...
from Sophie on 05/29/2015 03:24 PMHahahaha, ach kan gebeuren, maar wel raar dat je klas dat niet zegt.
You are born and then you die, but in between you can do anything you want. It's society that creates rules for us, but you can break out of that.