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22, female

  Level 17

Posts: 1380

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

from Nemesis on 08/24/2016 07:57 PM

"Yeah but it's like my life just started today. As if the rest was all fake. And I kinda felt glad I wasn't  some creature that people tell about, thinking it's  just a story while they are real. But apparently I'm even worse than just a normal vampire. I'm part of a myth."  Zei ze en keek om zich heen. "Maybe it's  Klaus, since Elijah is here, the man at the Salvatore house, he must be here too. It's  a long story, I'll tell you later. Klaus and his sister and brothers are the first vampires. Klaus is like the most powerful of the supernatural world. Atleast be thought. And they can't  be killed. Especially Klaus, he's Hybride too. Werewolf and vampire" legde ze kort uit. "That's all you need to right now"

Stefan knikte "They're together like 24/7. And now Kai knowes he's the mightiest person when he's  together with Alex, he will never loose her. And we tried to kill him, but it's  really  hard. Besides that, Alexis wouldn't be so hard probably, but if we do that, Kai is going to murder  us for sure. Besides that, I'm not going to kill my cousin" zei Stefan.


These voices in my head screaming "Run now", I'm praying that they're human

Reply Edited on 08/24/2016 07:58 PM.


22, female

  Level 17

Posts: 1380

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

from Nemesis on 08/24/2016 06:52 PM

"It feel great to know that no one can beat us, but I'm also kinda scared what I might do, I don't  really  dare to touch you right now, knowing I don't  have control over my emotions and magic, and since we can destroy the freaking world"  zei ze toen. "But it's  kinda cool to know we're actually the king and queen of the whole world. We could literally make anything happen" zei ze. "I'm glad I've met you for many reasons. If I wouldn't have met you, I would have never known I was a witch, that my father was hiding something from me. Besides that, never thought my first  boyfriend would be my actual soulmate. I mean, which couple has a myth about them? Not alot"  glimlachde ze.

"It's possible, because you can't  just become a witch. Besides that you don't  have to be from the same century. Age doesn't  matter, the one could be 90 years old, and the other one 5. Aslong as their  together. It's  something that would have happen once. So I don't  have experience with it. It's  pretty special, if their the once, that they've met, and live in the same time"  zei Elijah. "Is there nothing we can do about it? Nothing?"  Vroeg Stefan.


These voices in my head screaming "Run now", I'm praying that they're human

Reply Edited on 08/24/2016 06:53 PM.


22, female

  Level 17

Posts: 1380

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

from Nemesis on 08/24/2016 06:14 PM

"Yeah feels a bit different now right to know that your once little inecent cousin, now is more powerful than you. So I get your reaction." Zei ze en stapte met Kai de deur uit. Ze zei dat allemaal wel, maar waarschijnlijk durft ze niet die magie te gebruiken. "So apparently we're really meant to be"  zei ze. "Can you imagine  that we're the mightiest persons on earth if we're together"  zei ze en stapte in de auto.

Stefan rolde met zijn ogen  en keek naar Elijah "Is what she's  telling true? What myth are we even taling about?" Zei Stefan. "The Myth is true, but I don't  know for sure if they are the ones. Myth goes, that there will be 2 witches born without  magic. They  have to steal it from others. And when they use their magic together, they  will be  the mightiest things in the world"  hoordde hij  Elijah zeggen. "Great, we could  really  use that"  mompelde Stefan.


These voices in my head screaming "Run now", I'm praying that they're human

Reply Edited on 08/24/2016 06:16 PM.


22, female

  Level 17

Posts: 1380

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

from Nemesis on 08/24/2016 05:51 PM

"Great so my whole life I've been a witch, without magic. And our father  wanted to keep us away from each other  as far as possible, because we together are the mightiest things on earth" zei ze. "Wel that keeping us away from  each other clearly didn't  happen, that's  probably why your father looked so freighted at me" zei ze. Dit was veel om te verwerken. "Anyways let's talk about this at home"  zei ze en stond op. Toen ze boven kwam  zag ze Elijah. Wat deed  hij hier. Ze wilde het niet eens weten op het moment. Ze wilde naar huis. "Guys I wish you guys goodluck planning against us, because we found out a pretty amazing thing. Did you know I have been a witch my whole life? And that If Kai and I used our magic together we could destroy  the world. There is a whole  myth about it. Pretty cool" zei ze een tikkeltje gemeen. De woede van de begrafenis zat nog steeds  in haar. "So goodluck" 

"If my brother was on my side we could easily destroy a hybride, we're the originals, but unfortunately he wants to work with him"  zei Elijah. Stefan zuchtte, dit was echt zo slecht, het plan om Kai te doden gaat nu heel lastig worden. Stefan keek naar Alexis en Kai die weer naar boven kwamen. Hij fondsde toen zijn nichtje zo begon te praten. Nooit heeft ze zo gedaan. "The myth of the magicless witches" mompelde Elijah.  Stefan zijn blik ging meteen naar hem, blijkbaar wist hij er meer over. Dat konden ze wel gebruiken. "Alexis, do you really think you've been a witch all your life? That you even have a chance  against us? You will never be able to destroy the world. If that's  what your stupid little boyfriend confinced you that, he was probably drunk or something" zei Stefan.


These voices in my head screaming "Run now", I'm praying that they're human

Reply Edited on 08/24/2016 05:53 PM.


22, female

  Level 17

Posts: 1380

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

from Nemesis on 08/24/2016 05:00 PM

"Nice, and I thought I was human  my whole life long" zuchtte ze. "But apperently  my whole life is a lie"  zei ze en pakte het blaadje. Het was opgevouwd dus ze maakte het open. Ze fondsde "I recognise this typ of writing, it's  of a supernatural book I used to look at. There was always a page missing, I think  this is it"  zei ze en begon  het te lezen. "Once in the history of the supernatural world their will  be two wiches born. Born without magic. The only way they can gain magic is by stealing   it from  others. Apart from each other their just normal wiches.    Maybe even less, not really  powerfull. If they use their magic together if the two find each other, they will be more powerful that the whole supernatural world together. No human beginning or vampire of whatever creature is stronger. With the right intentions it's  harmefull. But if they have wrong intentions, they could destroy the world. There is a chance they will not be born in the same time, in that case non of this will happen." Las ze voor.

Stefan luisterde naar wat Elijah te vertellen had. Dit was niet iets waar ze op zaten te wachten. Meer dingen waar ze iets mee moesten doen. "He heard rumors about some psychopatic  witch. Detroyed his whole coven or something. He was interested in working together with him or her. I don't  really know" zei Elijah. "Kai"  mompelde Stefan zuchtend.


These voices in my head screaming "Run now", I'm praying that they're human

Reply Edited on 08/24/2016 05:00 PM.


22, female

  Level 17

Posts: 1380

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

from Nemesis on 08/24/2016 04:15 PM

Alexis keek naar de dozen en vond de goede "Got it"  zei ze en pakte de doos en ging zitten. Ze zocht naar het goede dagboek met haar geboorte erin. Toen ze hem opende viel er een foto  uit en een blaadje. Ze bekeek de foto "That's you dad right?" Vroeg ze verbaasd. Als het goed is is dat Kai zijn vader en die van haar. Ze begon meteen te lezen. "Went to the Parkers today. First time after the birth of Alexis. We had to make a plan. Since the legend has come true, it was urgent. Parker his son is a wich without magic like Alexis. If they would be together, that would be dangerous. Since his son is psychopathic, it's  verry dangerous if he finds out about the myth. That's  why they can't  meet each other." Las ze voor. 

Stefan liet Elijah binnen, hij is al eens geïnviteerd in het huis. "Since when are you guys back?"  vroeg Stefan verbaasd. "Since today, I came to see if this group needs help. Since Klaus is up to something"  zei Elijah. Stefan zuchtte, niet nog een probleem. "Planning what?" Vroeg hij en sloeg zijn armen over elkaar.

These voices in my head screaming "Run now", I'm praying that they're human

Reply Edited on 08/24/2016 04:16 PM.


22, female

  Level 17

Posts: 1380

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

from Nemesis on 08/24/2016 06:51 AM

"Whatever it is, I doubt if it's a good thing"  vroeg ze en keek na hoe ze de graven verlieten. Door wat er net gebeurde met de storm en alles, dringt de begravenis nog niet echt tot haar door, dat zou  later die avond wel komen. Toen ze aankwamen pakte ze haar sleutels. "We only have  to go to the basement. If it isn't  there  it's gone"  zei ze en opende de deur. "Oh yeah and you may come in"  glimlachde ze. Ze moest hem natuurlijk nu uitnodigen aangezien hij vampier is. Toen ze binnenkwamen rn verder liepen zag ze iedereen zitten. IEDEREEN. "Great"  zuchtte ze, maar ze spendeerde er verder geen  tijd aan, en ging naar de  kelder. "We have to look  for a box with Richard Salvatore on it. Yeah I know, he took the name of my mom when they married, that's  why I'm called Salvatore too."  Zei ze en begon  te zoeken in de kelder.

Stefan luisterde naar Suzy "Yeah me too, I only know that we have to kill..." hij maakte zijn zin niet af want de gene wiens naam hij wilde noemen, staat opeens met Alexis in de woonkamer. "What are you guys doing here? And  why the hell did you think it was an good idea to  invite him in?"  Vroeg hij snel maar Alexis leek hem te negeren en door te lopen. Opeens werd er op de deur geklopt. "Great, more quests"  zei hij en liep naar  de deur  om deze te openen. "Elijah?" Vroeg Stefan verbaasd. Sinds wanneer zijn de Originals terug.


These voices in my head screaming "Run now", I'm praying that they're human

Reply Edited on 08/24/2016 06:52 AM.


22, female

  Level 17

Posts: 1380

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

from Nemesis on 08/23/2016 08:12 PM

"How is that even possible. I didn't  even mean to use magic, and besides that,  even you and me together couldn't  do such a thing. That's way to much magic"  zei ze en liep met hem mee. "I'm scared of it and whatever it is, I don't  want it" zei ze en ging in de auto zitten. "I really wanna know now what my father was hiding. I'm sure he couldn't not know about this " zei ze en legde haar hoofd tegen  het raam aan.

Stefan rolde zijn ogen  en eek naar Damon "Seriously? How are you doing this everytime again? If I would've done this  back in the day when you had a different girl every night, I wouldn't  even have time  to do something else"  zei Stefan die langs hem liep en beneden  bij de andere ging staan.


These voices in my head screaming "Run now", I'm praying that they're human

Reply Edited on 08/23/2016 08:12 PM.


22, female

  Level 17

Posts: 1380

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

from Nemesis on 08/23/2016 06:35 PM

Alexis keek Kai geschrokken aan "oh my gosh what did I just do"  zei ze angstig en keek om zich heen. "We have to find what going on because this is dangerous."  Ze snapte niet hoe ze dat heeft  kunnen doen, zoveel magie had ze niet eens. Zelfs Kai had niet de kracht  om het te laten regenen, donderen en om het zo hard te laten  waaien. "And I need to control my emotions, because now I have magic it's  a dangerous combination" zei ze.

"I could try going shirtless for a day, if you would want to"  lachde Stefan. "Nahh I'd rather not"  zei hij en trok een shirt aan. Hij gaf Suzy snel een kus  "Let's go, I'm sure the others are already waiting downstairs"  zei hij toen en liep met haar naar benden.

These voices in my head screaming "Run now", I'm praying that they're human

Reply Edited on 08/23/2016 06:39 PM.


22, female

  Level 17

Posts: 1380

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

from Nemesis on 08/23/2016 05:44 PM

Alexis hield hem stevig  vast "she's going to pay for this" snikte ze. Ze liet Kai los en had alleen zijn hand nog vast. "SHE'S GOING  TO PAY FOR THIS!"  schreeuwde ze kwaad. Ze voelde dezelfde schok als gisteren tussen  haar en Kai. Het begon opeens vreselijk te onweren en hard te stormen. Dat kwam doordat  Alexis door haar woedde haar magie onbewust  gebruikt.

"I don't hope  so either, because we almost didn't survive him, he was hard to get rid of because  he's  the first wich, and so the most powerful one. He's like the king of the supernaturals"  zei Stefan en kleedde zich aan. "I know right, like he's always spying on me. Maybe it's  just a thing big brothers do"  zei Stefan.


These voices in my head screaming "Run now", I'm praying that they're human

Reply Edited on 08/23/2016 05:46 PM.
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