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22, female

  Level 17

Posts: 1380

Re: ORPG// Trapped

from Nemesis on 08/04/2016 08:16 PM

Alex keek naar haar en glimlachde naar haar woorden. "Het maakt me niet uit, ik zou je graag willen helpen met je kind"  knikte hij. "Maar ik denk dat het beter is als we gaan, Sean en Leonie staan te wachten" knikte hij. Hij pakte de sporttas op en liep met Hannah naar buiten.  "Alright, ik ben klaar, de volgende stop is jou plek denk ik?" Zei hij richend op Sean. Sean en Leonie hadden moeten staan wachten, terwijl hij en Hannah niet aan het doen waren, waar ze voor kwamen.

Hannah glimlachde, "Echt?"  Vroeg ze. Ze kon niet geloven dat hij dat echt zou willen doen. Ze is er niet gewend aan. Nooit heeft ze écht liefde gevoeld van iemand. Zelfs van haar ouders niet. Haar moeder heeft ze nooit gekend, en haar vader is de vreselijkste vent op aarde. Daarnaast, de vader van haar kinderen, heeft ook nooit echt van haar gehouden. Hij deed alles alleen voor het geld. Alexis knikte "Ja goed plan"  lachde ze en liep achter hem aan naar buiten.


These voices in my head screaming "Run now", I'm praying that they're human

Reply Edited on 08/04/2016 08:17 PM.


22, female

  Level 17

Posts: 1380

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

from Nemesis on 08/04/2016 01:52 PM

"Yeah yeah, quit the talking, I wanna kick some ass"  grapte ze. "I'm just kidding"  lachde ze. "Alright, I'm going to be training, everyday. I wanna be strong, I wanna be able to win in a fight."  Zei ze. Ze keek naar Kai die bij  haar kwam staan. "I wish  I could win from you already"  fluisterde ze in zijn oor. Ze begon hem kusjes te geven, op zijn mond en werkte zich toen naar zijn nek. Toen ze merkte dat hij afgeleid was tekelde ze hem op de grond en ging op hem zitten. "I may not be strong, but I have my brain"  lachde ze. "I once took like 3 karate lessons, this was the only move I still knew how to do"  glimmachde ze. "I'm sorry, but don't  get distracted next time"  lachde ze.

"Suzy you don't  have to go, you can still stay if you want to"  zei Stefan. Hij vertrouwde het niet, hij wist dat ze zichzelf kon beschermen, maar zijn gevoel zei gewoon dat iets niet klopte. Hij zou zo wel even rond Mystic Falls gaan, maar het lijkt zo stalkerig als hij meteen achter haar aan ging.


These voices in my head screaming "Run now", I'm praying that they're human

Reply Edited on 08/04/2016 01:53 PM.


22, female

  Level 17

Posts: 1380

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

from Nemesis on 08/03/2016 06:48 PM

"I'll push you directly out of the sunlight when it doesn't  work"  glimlachde ze en keek naar hem toen hij de zon in ging. Gelukkig werkte het. "I can't  believe I actually did it, this magic thing is still kinda weird to me"  zei ze en gaf hem een kus. "Alright I helped you, and now you need to help me, because they are with 9 people, against the two of us"  zei Alexis. "I can't shoot them, it's something that I will never be able to do, but I can fight back if they'll atack. " zei Alexis.

"Then we have to be fast"  zei Stefan. "Before she gets to good at it"  knikte hij. "Wel it's her loss, we could have helped her with she what she needed, but now she's  on her own. She only  has that psycho  now, so she better hold  on to him, otherwise she will have no one"  zei Stefan. "So let's just first think about everything. We can come all together again tomorrow with a plan. I think we first need to progress what happend yesterday and tomorrow"

These voices in my head screaming "Run now", I'm praying that they're human

Reply Edited on 08/03/2016 06:49 PM.


22, female

  Level 17

Posts: 1380

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

from Nemesis on 08/03/2016 05:57 PM

"I mean it would  be fun for once, but not everytime"  lachde ze. "Alright I'm going to try, because I still wanna be able to leave the house with you"  glimlachde ze. Ze keek naar de pagina, en hield toen haar handen over de ring. Hij mocht dan nu wel nog steeds een witch zijn, maar hij kan niet zijn eigen  ring maken. Een vampier kan geen sunlight  ring maken. Ze sloot haar ogen en sprak toen de spreuk uit.  "Alright, I think you are all ready" glimlachde ze.

Stefan knikte "You see, we have more people, they are just together and have literally no one else that can help them." Zei Stefan. "We can face them easily, I mean Alexis isn't  dangerous at this point, she can't  control  her magic so she can't  really do anything to use probably"  zei Stefan. "Never thought to make a plan against a member of our friend group. Or previous  member, I'm not sure"  zei Stefan.


These voices in my head screaming "Run now", I'm praying that they're human

Reply Edited on 08/03/2016 05:58 PM.


22, female

  Level 17

Posts: 1380

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

from Nemesis on 08/03/2016 04:59 PM

"I've read spellbooks in the prison world, so I know there are spells for all kinds of things, but I don't  know the spells themselves. Never thought I would need them, because I thought you couldn't become  a witch, that you  were just born like one"  glimlachde ze. "Are you okay by the way? I know when you are a vampire all you emotions are heightend so you feel every emotions 1000x stronger"  zei ze. "I don't  hope you are going to be wild"  lachde ze. "I first walked into Stefan and Elena multiple times, going all across the room with their vampire  speed, and then Damon and Elena. Man vampires are wild. It was pretty discusting to walk into people getting  it on"  zi ze toen. "I'm glad I have my own place now and that I don't  have to live with two boy's"  zei Alexis. Ze pakte het boekje "Alright, don't  blame me if it doesn't  works on my first try, I still don't  really have control over it"  lachde ze.

"Yeah and he can secretly replace vervain for something else so she doesn't  know she can be compelled. He can turn her against us"  zei Stefan en sloeg zijn armen over elkaar. "But whatever, there are 8 of us, and two of them" zei Stefan. "We can handle him, and Alexis. We are with eight people, we are much much stronger. He's a vampire  for one day, and we already have 2 people that are more that a 100 years, and the rest is also older that him"  zei Stefan. "Let's  get a plan to shut him up forever" zei Stefan vast besloten.

These voices in my head screaming "Run now", I'm praying that they're human

Reply Edited on 08/03/2016 05:00 PM.


22, female

  Level 17

Posts: 1380

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

from Nemesis on 08/03/2016 04:27 PM

"I know,and I called those people my friends. I'm nit chanching because of you, I'm chancing because I'm sick of them telling me what to do and stuff"  zei Alexis. "I'm not even gonna cry about being in a huge fight with Suzy, I'm just freaking mad" zuchtte ze. Alexis knikte "yeah, yeah ofcourse"  zei ze. "You can use the ring I gave you for christmas, the one with the hartbeats"  zei ze toen. "You have to help me though because I don't  know the spell" zei ze. 

"He is actually, I mean he lived here for a while with her when  we couldn't get in to Mystic Falls"  zei Stefan. "We could get another place, and hide  all together in there so he can't  hurt any of us, but once  we come out and Alexis is hating him he will probably kill us"  knikte Stefan. "But there has to be a way that we can get rid of him"  zuchtte hij.


These voices in my head screaming "Run now", I'm praying that they're human

Reply Edited on 08/03/2016 04:28 PM.


22, female

  Level 17

Posts: 1380

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

from Nemesis on 08/03/2016 03:37 PM

Alexis "My 'friends' basically jumped at me for everything that  has happened"  zei ze terwijl ze nog een pijl schoot  op het doel voor zich. "They didn't say it, but they're goal with this was probably getting me to leave  you"  zei ze. "But that  ain't gonna  happen"  zei ze toen. "I'll quote something for you 'This shit isn't just about you okay? You think it is but it fucking isn't. So learn with the fact that your boyfriend technically killed Elena, and surtenly killed Jo, Liv, Luc, Jo's twins and he killed Alaric heart to. He almost killed himself. So just stop making everything about you.'"  Zei Alexis. "Oh and 'I mean look at you, you are changing because of him" zei Alexis zonder gevoel. "Learn me how to fight now please, I'm going to need  it for sure"  zei Alexis en legde haar boog neer.

"We can  actually, we can lock her up, get her of vervain and compell her. Like Alaric did with Elena. We can make her hate him" zei Stefan. "But we can't do that  with that  weasel being around, the second she goes missing, he already  knows oh so well where to go"  zei Stefan en ging op de bank zitten.


These voices in my head screaming "Run now", I'm praying that they're human

Reply Edited on 08/03/2016 03:38 PM.


22, female

  Level 17

Posts: 1380

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

from Nemesis on 08/03/2016 03:11 PM

"I am not going  to say that everything what he did is okay, but he did everything for a reason" zei Alexis. "I am not going to leave him if that's  what you want, you are all trying to make me this person that you can maybe use. Because right now you're probably thinking, I can't  really do anything for this group. Why are you still trying, I mean nobody of y'all care about me. I could see, and hear all of you when I was dead, I still was here, but you just  couldn't  see me. Nobody even cared when I died, nobody let one tear, exept for Suzy and Stefan maybe "  zei ze. "Why are  you even bothering me with this? I didn't  do anything" zei ze boos. "But wauw, you guys are so pathetic, never expected that frieds would be like this. Especially you Suzy, maybe you're not the person I thought you were"  zei Alexis en liep toen de deur uit die ze met een harde klap dicht liet vallen. Vervolgens ging ze naar huis, waar ze naar binnen ging. Op het moment kon ze er niet eens over huilen, ze was alleen heel boos. Ze liep meteen door naar de kelder waar de trainingszaal was en pakte haar boog en begon te schieten.

Stefan was blij dat Suzy het over  nam, als iemand  tot Alexis zou kunnen komen, zou dat waarschijnlijk Suzy zijn. "He kinda caused the death of your children too Alexis"  zei Stefan. "I mean look at you, you are changing because of him. Normally you would  never act like this"  voegde Stefan toe. Hij luisterde naar Alexis, en hoorde toen de deur met een klap dicht gaan. "Well that  didn't  go as planed." Zuchtte hij.


These voices in my head screaming "Run now", I'm praying that they're human

Reply Edited on 08/03/2016 03:11 PM.


22, female

  Level 17

Posts: 1380

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

from Nemesis on 08/03/2016 02:49 PM

Toen ze weer terug in het Salvatore huis waren pakte Alexis haar jas."I ques I'll go home now"  zei ze. Toen ze de deur uit wilde gaan hoorde ze haar naam en draaide zich om. "What? What do you all wanna tell me?" Zei ze en hing haar jas weer op. Ze sloeg haar armen over elkaar. "It's  about Kai isn't  it? Gosh you guys  are way to predicable"  zei Alexis. "I am not going to say he's sorry because he is not." Zei Alexis. "You guys are not the only one's going to a hard time now you know.  I lost Elena, Jo, Liv and Luc too. Besides that  I lost my children, too"  zei Alexis. Ze werd nu een beetje pissig want ze moeten echt ophouden met dit. Ze gaat Kai niet verlaten.

Stefan knikte, "Hopefully we'll get some support of the others"  zei Stefan. "It looks a bit dumb if we are the only  2 that are doing this"  zei Stefan.  Toen ze bij  het Salvatore huis  aan kwamen en Alexis weg wilde gaan stopte haar. "Alexis, wait" zei hij. "I need to talk to you, we need to talk to you"  zei Stefan.


These voices in my head screaming "Run now", I'm praying that they're human

Reply Edited on 08/03/2016 02:50 PM.


22, female

  Level 17

Posts: 1380

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

from Nemesis on 08/03/2016 01:22 PM

Alexis las Kai zijn sms, als ze terug was zou ze hem sowieso gaan helpen met het onder controle houden van alles. Niet dat ze er zelf veel ervaring  mee had, maar ze heeft al veel transitions  meegemaakt met vrienden die vampier  werden. Ondertussen weet ze dus wel een beetje hoe het gaat. Daarnaast heeft ze in de prisonworld veel boeken gelezen, vooral over supernatural dingen. Ze kwamen aan bij het graf en gingen  naar binnen. Stefan en Damon hadden de kist neer gezet. Alexis pakte met haar ene hand haar andere arm vast. Dit was het dan. Alexis zou haar hoogst waarschijnlijk niet meer zien, want ze is geen vampier. De andere misschien nog wel.

Stefan liep naar het graf en zette de kist neer op de plek die ze hadden. "Alright, I ques this  is it then"  zei Stefan zuchtend. Hij vroeg zich af hoe hij Alexis gaat cofronteren, al moet het wel gebeuren. Toen ze terug liepen ging hij naast Suzy lopen. Hij hoopte dat ze wel hem ging steunen  in dit want hij had geen zin dit alleen te doen. "What are we going to say to her? Any idea's? "  vroeg Stefan.


These voices in my head screaming "Run now", I'm praying that they're human

Reply Edited on 08/03/2016 01:46 PM.
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