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22, female

  Level 17

Posts: 1380

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

from Nemesis on 08/01/2016 08:29 PM

Alexis probeerde Damon weg te duwen, "Damon just let him go, he can explain it fine without you holding him"  zei ze. Ze liet Damon het geluid horen waardoor hij hem lost lied. "Your still not used to the witch me, well suprise it's  official now. The baby's left me their magic"  zuchtte ze en sloeg haar armen over elkaar. "There you  go babe, now you can explain it in a normal way without being held " zei Alexis en ging naast hem staan. Ze liet Damon echt niet weer wat doen.

Stefan luisterde  naar het gesprek. Enzo moest echt zijn mond gaan houden. Hij kon  het namelijk wel wat subtieler brengen. Dit is niet iets wat je op zo'n manier verteld. Stefan overwoog om naar binnen te gaan,  al zou dat dingen waarschijnlijk alleen.


These voices in my head screaming "Run now", I'm praying that they're human

Reply Edited on 08/01/2016 08:29 PM.


22, female

  Level 17

Posts: 1380

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

from Nemesis on 08/01/2016 07:42 PM

Alexis knikte "I will give you it, but I'm going to keep it for now, because I feel like I'm going to need it now since my friends are not being really friends anymore" zei Alexis. "Maybe I will need it one day " zei Alexis. "Luckily I can go home tomorrow, I haven't  been there for  a while, I have been staying at the Salvatore hous again because it was to quit without  you"  zei Alexis. Ze keek naar Damon die binnen kwam stormen en Kai vastpakte. Damon trok hem van het bed af en duwde hem tegen de muur. "What did you do to her?!" Riep Damon boos. Alexis sprong uit bed en pakte de paal waar haar invuus aan zat. Ze reed hem naar hen toe. "Damon stop it, leave him alone!" Riep ze.

Stefan luisterde, er leek  eerst  niks bijzonders te zijn, gewoon typisch  Enzo. Toen hoorde Stefan iets over  familie en begon toen extra aandachtig  te luisteren. Enzo? Familie van  Suzy? Hoe kan dat dan? Ze lijken helemaal geen familie, ze zijn echt heel erg verschillend van  elkaar.


These voices in my head screaming "Run now", I'm praying that they're human

Reply Edited on 08/01/2016 07:59 PM.


22, female

  Level 17

Posts: 1380

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

from Nemesis on 08/01/2016 06:20 PM

"Okay thanks, you think  it's hard living with me"  lachde ze. "That's creepy, she's totally  out of her mind. And that is supossed to be my aunt" zei ze. "It let me think, like am I going to be a ripper to when I maybe will become a vampire too one day?"  Zei Alexis. "I don't  hope that's going to be the case" zei Alexis. "But how are you now with being a vampire? I mean you must be more  powerful right now than ever" zei ze. "Oh I practiced a little while you were gone with the bow an arrow. I mean we can almost be Katniss and Peeta I think"  lachde ze. "You still have to teach me how to fight though, I have a feeling I'm going to need it. And now I'm not pregnant anymore I have the energy for it" zei Alexis.

"I will, I won't  see you there, I'll directly go hide"  zei Stefan. "Goodluck" zei Stefan en rende  toen door naar de achterkant van de Grill waar hij zich verschool. Hij luisterde met zijn vamp gehoor wat er gaande was, zodat hij haar kon helpen als er wat aan de hand was. Met Enzo weet je het namelijk  maar nooit, de ene keer kan hij hen goed helpen, maar soms zit hij hen ook wel dwars. Misschien is dat nog steeds doodat Damon hem toen heeft achtergelaten bij die Augustiens. Gelukkig is die dokter die een tijdje geleden Elena en Damon weer vast heeft gehouden, nu weg. Hopelijk  gebeurd zoiets  nooit meer. Niet veel mensen weten ervan. Hij heeft het verhaal van Alexis gelaten, puur omdat hij wilde dat ze zich geen zorgen ging maken. Dit was ook niet nodig omdat ze er nu ook niet meer zijn.

These voices in my head screaming "Run now", I'm praying that they're human

Reply Edited on 08/01/2016 07:04 PM.


22, female

  Level 17

Posts: 1380

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

from Nemesis on 08/01/2016 05:28 PM

"You're right, are you okay by the way? I mean it must have beem hard for you to, being back in that prisonworld again." Zei antwoordde ze. "It was the worse when I could see you while we were going, I tried to get away and stay with you in there but they held me back"  zuchtte ze. "When I came home I almost broke everything because I was sad and hurt."  Zuchtte ze."But were there other people? Lillian was all upset to because Damon didn't  bring her family with her or something. I don't  know what  she was talking  about."  Zei ze en keek Kai aan.

"Yeah, he comes and disappears again"  antwoorde Stefan. "It must be important then or  something" zei hij. Hij keek naar Suzy die het bloed weghaalde. "Yeah Kai owes us some  clothes to, I'm covered in blood"  zei Stefan. "Yeah you're right he does, I'll stop here. We have vampire speed so we'll be there in no time" zei Stefan en zette de auto aan de kant van de weg. Vervolgens stapte hij uit. "I'll wait behind the bar to listen if something goes wrong" zei Stefan.


These voices in my head screaming "Run now", I'm praying that they're human

Reply Edited on 08/01/2016 05:55 PM.


22, female

  Level 17

Posts: 1380

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

from Nemesis on 08/01/2016 03:48 PM

Ze liet zijn lippen los, "I still don't  know what I'm going to do with that magic, I'm terrified of it, I thought it would be gone when the children would be out of me. I actually  dropped the spell of the cave so Stefan could get out"  zei Alexis. "I was so happy that I came out of that prison world, afther being sort of dead for half a year, but ever since I came back things have been so bad. I'm surrounded by problems"  zuchtte ze. "Can't we just run away for a while? To Europe or something. Just you and me without  all of the problems"  zei ze toen.

Stefan knikte "I'll be right behind you, out of sight but still there" zei Stefan. "I'm really curious what Enzo has to say to you, or what he has in mind"  zei Stefan. "I can't  think of anything"  zei hij. "If it's about Lillian or something he would probably goto Damon." Zei Stefan. "We also still have to find a way to help her. She's  out of controle"  zuchtte hij en reed richting de Mystic Grill.


These voices in my head screaming "Run now", I'm praying that they're human

Reply Edited on 08/01/2016 03:49 PM.


22, female

  Level 17

Posts: 1380

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

from Nemesis on 08/01/2016 01:17 PM

"Is that what they said?" Vroeg Alexis verbaasd. "First of all that's  not even true, why can nobody  seem to understand that I am in love with you. Somehow everyone thinks you have me under your control, but it's my own choice, I just love you. And second of all, they really think they are my friends? Really?  They think they're  doing what is the best for me, but really all they do is do what is best for them"  zei Alexis. "I doubt if they are even my friends now"  zei ze. "I'm not going to listen to them, I'll be always there for you. They can't  take you away from me, not again" zei Alexis en drukte haar lippen op die van hem. Ze gaat niet haar vrienden  weer tussen haar en Kai laten komen.

"Sure, I'm kinda curious  too what he has to say"  zei Stefan. "I'm sure the others can handle this off, Damon will probably go to Kai and ask him what he has done, maybe not in the nicest way" knikte Stefan. "Damon, we're going to meet Enzo, he wants to talk to Suzy, so keep us updated, just ask Kai what he has done because I'm a 100 % sure he did this"  zei Stefan tegen Damon en ging toen met Suzy het ziekenhuis uit.


These voices in my head screaming "Run now", I'm praying that they're human

Reply Edited on 08/01/2016 01:17 PM.


22, female

  Level 17

Posts: 1380

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

from Nemesis on 08/01/2016 12:51 PM

"I hope this is gone soon"  zei ze terwijl ze verwees naar haar buik die nog steeds groot was, alof de baby's  er nog in zitten. "I doubt if they do, nobody ever noticed that I was having a hard time. I acted like I was okay, but if they really care they would have seen otherwise. Besides that, they are thinking that they are protecting me by getting you away from me, but with doing that they only hurt me so I doubt if they really care or that they care about them self's"  zei Alexis. "But why did you say that? Did you heard something?" Vroeg ze.

"Well we can go meet him, I can go with you to back to up. He doesn't  even has to know I'm there" zeu Stefan. "I don't  know what he wants either. I haven't seen him in days"  zei Stefan. "The last time I saw him was in the grill, where he met Lillian and he was all weird about it. Like they knew each other already"  zei Stefan.


These voices in my head screaming "Run now", I'm praying that they're human

Reply Edited on 08/01/2016 12:52 PM.


22, female

  Level 17

Posts: 1380

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

from Nemesis on 08/01/2016 12:13 PM

"You haven't  ruin me, you are the only thing that keeps me going. If it wasn't  for you, I would have given up already a long time ago"  zei Alexis. "I missed you so so much, the moment we went out of that prisonworld and I saw you lying there in the snow, knowing that I couldn't  do a thing about it was probably one of the worst moments of my life. I have been really mad at Bonnie and Damon. I still haven't  completely forgiven them. Bonnie is far away from forgiveness right now. I get why she might me mad at you but she crossed  the line. She killed two inocents"  zei Alexis. "That was our only chance at children, now we can't have one at all. You're a vampire and technically dead, and if you would somehow  ever became human again it will be  the question if it is possible because of that  condition I have. This  was already special." Zuchtte ze. "I don't  know if I can take this, we have to plan a funeral. But I'm 99% sure I'm going to snap"  zei ze toen.

"Well since he is here there has only been a lot of problems. So we somehow have to get  rid of him" zei Stefan en keek naar Suzy die haar mobiel pakte. "Is there anything wrong?"  Vroeg Stefan. Hij keek even door het raampje waar Elena lag. Stefan gaat Kai hiervoor echt laten boeten, al helpen de andere niet mee, hij zal ervoor zorgen dat hij uitgeschakeld zal worden. Al is dat nu lastiger dan eerst aangezien  hij nu hybride is. Vampire én Witch.


These voices in my head screaming "Run now", I'm praying that they're human

Reply Edited on 08/01/2016 12:14 PM.


22, female

  Level 17

Posts: 1380

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

from Nemesis on 08/01/2016 11:30 AM

"You've got that?  I thought I was crazy talking to my phone when nobody would ever hear it. I missed my talking budy, I had a lot of things I had to get of my chest" zei Alexis toen.  "Just go ahead and do it. I have been trough so much pain, I bet I won't  even feel this"  zei Alexis. "You can drink from me whenever you want" zei ze behulpzaam en legde haar hoofd op zijn schouder. Hij zette zijn tanden in haar pols en begon te drinken. Ze voelde het wel, maar het stelde niet veel voor. Ze was zo blij dat hij terug was, ze kon nog steeds niet begrijpen hoe dit mogelijk was. "You know, I met your family before the wedding. They were all looking at me like I was crazy, your father even checked if you didn't put a spell over me which would cause me being your slave or something"  zuchtte ze. "I don't  think they really liked me, and it was really important for me because you are my first boyfriend" zei Alexis toen.

"He killed Jo, Liv, Luke, he killed his whole family. Now he did something with Elena too?" Zei Stefan. "Yeah the doctors said she was totally okay. They can't  seem to find what's causing her not to wake-up" zei Stefan. "But Kai is going to pay, we or atleast I am not going to leave it by this. I hope he's listeninb right now as a warning"  zei Stefan. "We have to find  a way to get Alexis back too, he has her all wrapped around his finger. Alexis can't even  seem to see that he's dangerous, and she probably has already forgiven him for  killing Jo, and Liv and others." Zei Stefan.


These voices in my head screaming "Run now", I'm praying that they're human

Reply Edited on 08/01/2016 11:31 AM.


22, female

  Level 17

Posts: 1380

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

from Nemesis on 07/31/2016 09:02 PM

"Okay, I'll talk to later" zei Alexis en keek naar Suzy die de kamer verliet. "Come here" zei ze tegen Kai en schoof op zodat Kai naast haar kon gaan zitten."I have lot's of things I have to say to you" zei Alexis. "First of all, I have to admit you looked pretty hot in that suit"  glimlachde ze. Ze pakte een doekje en haalde het bloed weg dat in zijn gezicht zat, en daarna wat in zijn nek  zat. "I really missed you Kai" zei ze en gaf hem een kus. Dat had ze nog niet gedaan, maar het voelde  goed op weer te kunnen doen. "Here"  zei ze en hield haar arm voor zich. "You have to drink blood to complete the transition. I don't  wanna lose you so drink it"  legde ze uit.

Stefan weet dat Kai er wat mee te maken heeft. Hij heeft ervoor gezorgd dat Elena zo is. Dat weet hij zeker. Hij keek naar Suzy die kwam. "And? Was that psycho in there too?"  Vroeg Stefan aan Suzy. I swear I'm going to kill him, he did this. All of it, and he probably did this to Elena too"  zei Stefan pissig. Kai had waarschijnlijk een stomme spreuk uitgesproken  over  Elena ofso, hij gaat  er voor boeten. Voor alles wat hij vandaag heeft gedaan.


These voices in my head screaming "Run now", I'm praying that they're human

Reply Edited on 07/31/2016 09:04 PM.
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