TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

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22, Weiblich

  Level 17

Beiträge: 1380

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

von Nemesis am 11.07.2016 11:43

"You know Suzy, If we could change, so you would get my humanity and I would get your vampirism I would. I would  do that for you, so you could do all of those things and be human" zei Alexis. "I'll promise you you are going  to find a man who will love you till the end of time, I'm not sure about  kids, but I know you won't  be alone forever. Although  I don't know if there is a man in this world who is good enough for you"  zei Alexis. "I just hate that the world has gott to be this way, you only life once, so why would it be filled with pain  and sadness?" Zei ze. "Nobody deserves this" zei ze. "If I could make you guys human again with becoming a vampire  myseld I would, because you all deserve that"  zei ze.


These voices in my head screaming "Run now", I'm praying that they're human

Antworten Zuletzt bearbeitet am 11.07.2016 11:44 .


23, Weiblich

  Level 28

Beiträge: 4355

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

von Skullet am 12.07.2016 11:41

Suzy keek met een zwakke glimlach naar Alexis in de auto. ''I know Alexis, I know. But then again, I'm happy that I got turned because if I didn't we didn't meet the others. You didn't meet Kai. We would have never known about everything that's happening in this world. We wouldn't know  the truth. So in that way. I am happy.'' glimlachde ze en pakte Alexis haar hand vast. ''All thought I don't think I would be able to live forever while you are there growing old as it should be. Because you won't be by my side.''


''Lex malla, lex nulla''



22, Weiblich

  Level 17

Beiträge: 1380

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

von Nemesis am 12.07.2016 01:18

'You know I've been thinking about that, almost all of my friends are going to live for ever." begon ze. "I'm going to let one of you turn me, but afther I have lived a whole life as a human. When I'll be verry old and I'm on the point of dying, then i'll let me turn myself" zei Alexis. "But then I'll be looking like a old grandma forever, while you're all staying young forever" lachde ze. "But that way we can be with each other forever. So litteraly best friends forever" glimlachde ze. 

These voices in my head screaming "Run now", I'm praying that they're human

Antworten Zuletzt bearbeitet am 12.07.2016 01:19 .


23, Weiblich

  Level 28

Beiträge: 4355

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

von Skullet am 12.07.2016 01:45

Suzy keek haar kort even aan alsof ze gek was toen ze dat zei maar daarna grinnikte ze toch even. ''I rather have someone stake me with a wooden piece then that I want you to turn yourself when you're a grandmother. Besides all of that. Why worrying now when we even can die every second of the day.'' mompelde Suzy en keek naar Alexis. ''Maybe we get killed when we try to get Stefans humanity back or what ever else. So not thinking about the future is the best. I think.'' mompelde ze en keek haar even aan.


''Lex malla, lex nulla''



22, Weiblich

  Level 17

Beiträge: 1380

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

von Nemesis am 12.07.2016 02:24

"Thinking about the futur is a good thing to do, it gives you hope something to look forward too. Life isn't fun if you think about the fact that you can die every second of the day" zei Alexis. "Actually I already died one time, I had the blessing that I can back to life again as a human, with the father of my children" zei Alexis. "You know, I hope it gets a little  better when we get Stefan back. I'm just going to try it" zei ze. "Did you heared already something how it's going with Lillian?" vroeg Alexis.


These voices in my head screaming "Run now", I'm praying that they're human

Antworten Zuletzt bearbeitet am 12.07.2016 02:25 .


23, Weiblich

  Level 28

Beiträge: 4355

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

von Skullet am 12.07.2016 03:38

Suzy keek Alexis even kort aan. ''No not yet, I haven't heard anything and I think we should go by and looking how it's going with it and everything. But that's only if you want to also.'' zei ze en keek even extra goed over de wegen heen. ''Or we could call them how it's going and what Lillian wants to do. We did get her out of the prisonworld so I don't really see a problem with her trying to visit Stefan and trying to get his humanity back. It's the least she could do for all of us.


''Lex malla, lex nulla''



22, Weiblich

  Level 17

Beiträge: 1380

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

von Nemesis am 12.07.2016 03:44

"Yeah that's a good idea, I wanna get Stefan's humanity back as soon as possible. " zei ze. "And get him out of there, but we have to keep Katherine in there" zei ze. "I can do a spell first wich parelises the body, so she can't move when I'll drop the field. I saw a spell for that" zei Alexis. Ze hoopte dat alles maar ging lukken, want ze was geen echte heks, ze is er ook net pas achter gekomen dat de krachen heeft.


These voices in my head screaming "Run now", I'm praying that they're human

Antworten Zuletzt bearbeitet am 12.07.2016 03:45 .


23, Weiblich

  Level 28

Beiträge: 4355

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

von Skullet am 12.07.2016 04:36

Suzy keek naar de weg die richting Mystic Falls ging en zuchtte even kort. ''We can also ask more help. So you won't have to do it all alone. You just got magic, or well. You just got to know you got it. So it is obviously hard to do all spells.'' mompelde ze en keek even kort naar Alexis. ''But first we need to get to the others to help set up the plan. It's Kai's spell on the cave and it's not easy to find someone with magic likewise. I think it's even easier for you because the magic you own is part of his.'' knikte Suzy en keek naar de weg. Op dit moment reden ze ook Mystic Falls binnen.


''Lex malla, lex nulla''



22, Weiblich

  Level 17

Beiträge: 1380

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

von Nemesis am 12.07.2016 04:48

"Yeah that's right, I'll just trie it, don't worry" zei ze. "And I'll promise I will stop if I can't go on. In that case we have to find another sulution" zei Alexis. Ze legde haar hoofd tegen het raam, Kai was dan nu misschien pas 2 dagen weg, maar het voelde niet goed zo zonder hem hier. Hij is helemaal alleen in die wereld. "trouwens Lillian was ook niet al te blij om mee te komen hier naartoen aangezien Damon haar 'familie' niet heeft meegenomen. Ze was aan het schreeuwen toen we weggingen net als ik. " zei ze. "Ik wist niet eens dat er nog meer mensen daar waren." zuchtte ze.


These voices in my head screaming "Run now", I'm praying that they're human

Antworten Zuletzt bearbeitet am 12.07.2016 04:48 .


23, Weiblich

  Level 28

Beiträge: 4355

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

von Skullet am 12.07.2016 10:19

Suzy keek fronsend op over het verhaal van Lillian. ''Wait are you serious right now?'' fronsde ik en streelde mijn hand over mijn haren heen. ''Maybe that's why she thinks she can't help Stefan. Because she doesn't see him as her family anymore. But she doesn't know he still needed his mom. Even though he's a vampire he always been a guy who needed his mom in hard times. By switching his humanity off he doesn't even think about that anymore. So that turns out that we can surprise him.'' rammelde Suzy aan één keer door. ''Sorry, but she really can be our opportunity.'' zuchtte Suzy.


''Lex malla, lex nulla''

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