TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

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22, Weiblich

  Level 17

Beiträge: 1380

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

von Nemesis am 11.08.2016 08:22

Alexis knikte "Your right. We're supernatural. Things don't go like usual around  here"  knikte ze. "Man I hope this stomach is gone soon, I still feel like an elephant"  glimlachde ze. Hij was wel al iets kleiner geworden na de operatie. Ze moest wel kolven aangezien er gewoon voeding gemaakt wordt. Haar lichaam weet niet  dat de kinderen er niet meer zijn. "Alright, let's go upstairs. I think  we have had enough for todag" zei ze en sloeg haar armen om zijn nek. "We can cook some dinner and take a relaxing bath or shower"  glimlachde ze. "Just get some rest before tomorrow" 

"Yeah Twilight is like the biggest bulshit ever, I wish we could walk in the sun without needing a ring. I mean sparkeling isn't even that bad" zei Stefan. "Maybe your parents are even still alive, I mean he could have lied about that."  Zei Stefan. "My mom turned out to be alive, afther I thought she was dead over  a 100 years"  zei Stefan en bleef de graven bekijken.


These voices in my head screaming "Run now", I'm praying that they're human

Antworten Zuletzt bearbeitet am 11.08.2016 08:23 .


23, Weiblich

  Level 28

Beiträge: 4355

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

von Skullet am 12.08.2016 09:53

Kai grinnikte kort bij haar woorden en knikte even kort. ''It will be gone soon enough. It isn't gonna stay there forever.'' knikte hij en streelde kort langs haar wang heen en knikte. ''Then let's cook dinner because I'm actually pretty hungry.'' mompelde Kai en keek haar weer even aan. ''The witch me, not the vampire. So confusing this all.'' zuchtte hij met een korte glimlach op zijn gezicht en begon te lopen terwijl hij Alexis haar hand vast pakte.

Suzy keek Stefan met een korte glilmach aan wanneer hij dat zei. ''I don't mind it. Apparently I have been wearing 2 pieces of jewelry since I'm a vampire. Just never knew my necklace was one.'' zei ze. Ze waren al een stukje van elkaar af maar elkaar horen konden ze nog wel. Suzy ging de graven voorbij maar bleef plotseling doodstil in haar voetsporen. Haar ogen waren gefixeerd op het grafsteen waar ze neer was bij gaan knielen. ''Stefan, I think I've found something.'' mompelde ze voorzichtig.


''Lex malla, lex nulla''



22, Weiblich

  Level 17

Beiträge: 1380

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

von Nemesis am 12.08.2016 10:36

Alexis glimlachde "Yeah it's still a bit weird, that you're both right now"  knikte  ze. "If I would  keep my magic and become vampire we would both be hybrids, that would be pretty awesome. The hybride badass couple"  lachde ze. "Although I don't  feel like dying soon, again." Knikte ze en liep met Kai naar boven. "I'm glad you're still kinda human, the witch part of you. That wayI still have my chefkok that's réally hungry and is not just eating because I am too"  glimlachde ze.

Stefan keek naar Suzy "Yeah but sparkeling would be pretty cool too. That also would probably make us less creepy for the people. I never saw the vampires get those ugly vains under  their eyes when they are hungry" zei Stefan. Hij liep naar haar toe toen ze stil bleef staan. "What is it?"  Vroeg Stefan.


These voices in my head screaming "Run now", I'm praying that they're human

Antworten Zuletzt bearbeitet am 12.08.2016 10:38 .


23, Weiblich

  Level 28

Beiträge: 4355

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

von Skullet am 13.08.2016 12:45

Kai grinnikte even kort om Alexis en haalde zijn schouders op. ''I could turn you, I guess. Because I'm technically one so what would go wrong. But ur already a witch. Something that shouldn't have happened, so that's pretty weird too. Didn't even know it was possible to go from human to a witch.'' zei hij en stapte de keuken naar binnen toe en draaide zich om naar Alexis. ''Not that it's bad, you're still the same for me.''

Suzy voelde dat Stefan naast haar was gaan staan, en met dat draaide ze zich naar hem toe. ''Mellissa St. John.'' mompelde Suzy en draaide haar hoofd terug naar het graf en slikte even kort. ''Or it's a coincedence, but I have a feeling it's not actually.'' zei en keek er even naar. Het graf zag er al oud uit, het was raar want het voelde alsof haar hele leven nog maar net begonnen is. Ze had geen flauw idee hoe lang ze nou eigenlijk al leefde.


''Lex malla, lex nulla''



22, Weiblich

  Level 17

Beiträge: 1380

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

von Nemesis am 13.08.2016 01:04

"Yeah me neither, I'm still creeped out by it. A humam shouldn't become a witch. You are either born one or not" zei ze. Ze knikte "And you are still the same to me, now you're a vampire." Glimlachde ze. "And If you're ever in need of blood, I am your  walking bloodbank" lachde ze. "And I don't know if I'm going to be witch for much longer. I'm scared of it, but right now when my friends are turning against me, I need it"  zuchtte ze.

"I don't  think so either, didn't he tell you the names of your biological parents?" Vroeg Stefan. "But what about  your father? I  mean if this is really your mom, your dad should  be here too"  zei Stefan. "It would be  logical if he was burried next to her"  knikte hij.


These voices in my head screaming "Run now", I'm praying that they're human

Antworten Zuletzt bearbeitet am 13.08.2016 01:05 .


23, Weiblich

  Level 28

Beiträge: 4355

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

von Skullet am 14.08.2016 12:36

Met een glimlach keek Kai naar Alexis terwijl hij een aantal dingen uit de koelkast pakte en op het aanrecht legde en zich vervolgens omdraaide naar Alexis. ''I don't want to feed on you, but it's my only possibilty really. Atleast I have the control, which should've been hard at first.'' mompelde hij en keek haar aan. ''When you want to have your magic away, just tell me. It's basicly a part of my magic, so you should be pretty strong.'' zei hij met een glimlach.

Suzy keek Stefan aan en ze haalde kort haar schouders op. ''I don't know, he didn't tell me but it is kind off obvious that it looks like he's telling the truth. And I'm not sure about that, my mom died when she gave birth my father died like 16 years after that. Not even sure about that. It's just so weird, it would make sense that they were beside eachother but then I think is more my father and brother beside eachother because they died in the same car crash.'' zei ze en zuchtte eens ongeduldig terwijl ze zich omdraaide naar Stefan.


''Lex malla, lex nulla''



22, Weiblich

  Level 17

Beiträge: 1380

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

von Nemesis am 14.08.2016 01:02

"It's okay, really. I can miss some blood" glimlachde. Ze knikte "How does it feel to have so much magic? I mean you gained all of the magic of your family members afther they died. And your not loosing it anymore now your coven leader" zei ze toen. "Show me something you can do with that kind of power"  glimlachde ze. "I'm really happy for you to have a lot of power which makes you almost mighty. You deserved it" zei ze liefjes en gaf hem een kus. 'And I have to go to college on Monday, so I'll see if I can sneek some bloodbags out of the hospital." Knikte ze.

"Well they have to be here somewhere"  knikte Stefan. "It's a pretty crazy story, and Enzo should have told you this way sooner"  zei Stefan en begon  verder te kijken naar de graven. "But is Enzo family of your mother or your dad. Because if it's your moms, St. John could be her girls name, but not her married one. So your dad could have a different last name. The one that you are supposed to have"   zei Stefan.

These voices in my head screaming "Run now", I'm praying that they're human

Antworten Zuletzt bearbeitet am 14.08.2016 01:03 .


23, Weiblich

  Level 28

Beiträge: 4355

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

von Skullet am 14.08.2016 08:19

Kai keek Alexis aan en grinnikte even kort. ''I know you can, and I only will if you allow me to. Otherwise no blood.'' knikte hij en keek even rond de keuken. ''I feel the magic run through my veins like blood. You just can't see it. It's alot, it's really powerfull. A coven leader was strong itself already with his coven still alive. But then think about now having all the magic of his own coven members sucked up inside. That's alot of power to deal with. With you I can control that one tho.'' zei hij en keek haar even aan. ''And if you want to do that for me, thank you so much.'' glimlachde hij.

Suzy had Stefan aankeken terwijl ze verder bleef kijken. ''I think he was family of my mom. It sounds like that, but he was pretty close to my whole family. Atleast he made it sound like that. But then I don't know why the last name of my father isn't on her grave stone. Because that should be kind off obvious wouldn't it be?'' zei ze en liet een zucht over haar lippen heen gaan. ''Because if that's the case we should go find out everything since my birth. Because my father did raise me. It has to be written down on some kind of paper.'' mompelde ze terwijl er een zucht over haar lippen heen ging voor een tweede keer.


''Lex malla, lex nulla''



22, Weiblich

  Level 17

Beiträge: 1380

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

von Nemesis am 14.08.2016 10:22

"Sure, I have to look though because if I get caught I'm dead"  zuchtte ze. "Well not litteraly but you know what I mean" lachde ze. "One more year and this girl will be officially a psychologist" glimlachde ze. Ze knikte "If you cook us dinner, I'll make a bloody marry, a special one for you"  zei. "Well more like a bloody Alexis if you know what I mean" glimlachde ze en pakte een mes en een glas. Ze maakte een sneedje in haar handpalm en kneep toen in haar hand boven het glas die ze zo vulde.

"I have a feeling this story is going to be much more complicated then it already is"  zuchtte Stefan. "It wouldn't make sense. Your  mom should have both her girl name and wedding name on her stone right if they were really married"  zei Stefan.


These voices in my head screaming "Run now", I'm praying that they're human

Antworten Zuletzt bearbeitet am 14.08.2016 10:23 .


23, Weiblich

  Level 28

Beiträge: 4355

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

von Skullet am 15.08.2016 06:41

Kai grinnikte kort en keek Alexis aan terwijl hij knikte. ''No wonder you can live with me that well. Psychologist.'' glimlachde hij en haalde nog kort zijn wenkbrauwen op naar wat ze bedoelde. ''Ooh, like that.'' grinnikte hij en knikte uiteindelijk naar wat ze deed. Ondertussen had hij al wat pannen gepakt terwijl hij wat kleine aardappeltjes in de pan gooide na de boter gesmolten was en zo ging hij verder. Het eten klaarmaken duurde niet lang en was dus wel snel gefixed. Alleen het maken van vlees en zorgen dat het goed is duurde wat langer. Maar ook dat was binnen een half uurtje klaar gemaakt.

Suzy keek naar Stefan  en knikte terwijl ze haar handen kort doorheen haar haren heen haalde en er een diepe zucht haar lippen verliet. ''There is alot more to the story indeed, and I hate it that I don't know about it.'' zuchtte ze en legde haar armen rond haar middel heen en keek even kort omhoog naar de lucht toe. ''I just wished he had never told me anything about this. Because if it's true what he is saying I'm basicly family...'' zuchtte ze.


''Lex malla, lex nulla''

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