TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

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22, female

  Level 17

Posts: 1380

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

from Nemesis on 10/23/2016 03:39 PM

Alexis knikte "It just suck, afther all that happend things finally got better, and now we're back where we started. I mean there's  been happening so so much. Like sixs weeks ago I found  out my whole life has been a complete lie, and I am some witch, and we together form some kind of myth, and I can actually speak with you trough my mind.  Not even to begin with all of the bullshit we came into. I just want to build a kind of normal life for myself, for us, to still feel human sometimes in this crazy world"  zei ze. "I didn't  told  you the the past weeks when you learnt me to control my magic, but when I killed Davina, I gained all of her magic, which was quite a lot. At first I had a little amount of it, only the  little bit from the children, but now all of hers too. It feels so wrong, because I don't  deserve her magic. She was inecent, and I just killed her like a monster" slikte ze. Alexis lachte "I'm sorry I'm talking so much, but it kills me not having someone to talk to when we're locked up in our rooms, and as the other most talketive person in the world, you  should  understand"  glimlachde ze.

"And I have a feeling, this isn't  even the worst it's  going to get"  zei Stefan terwijl hij Suzy aankeek. "But Alexis won't  die, I promised her to keep her save, and I'm not breaking my promises. Besides that, even if I didn't  promised, I wouldn't let her get killed. She's besides Damon the only family he and I have. Well my mom is back, but she created some weird new family" knikte hij. "Just remember I am on the other side of the door, waiting for you, to confort you if anything happens. If something is wrong, close your eyes and think about the things you like the most. Before you'll know it, the door will open again and I'll be there for  you okay?"  Zei Stefan en glimlachde zwakjes.


These voices in my head screaming "Run now", I'm praying that they're human

Reply Edited on 10/23/2016 03:40 PM.


23, female

  Level 28

Posts: 4355

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

from Skullet on 10/23/2016 03:49 PM

Kai keek haar glimlachend aan en knikte gewoon op wat ze zei. ''And I completely understand you. The reason why you have her magic is because you took it from her when she was at her weakest point. Only then you can take it unless you're allowed too. Which I doubt you were. And you're not a monster. Not even close to a monster, but what happened just happened. Sometimes a dog bites his own owner An accident? No. That's just in the nature. Same counts for witches, magic and power is a nature for us.'' knikte hij en streelde haar been even kort. ''And I know, just talk my ears of at this stage. I don't mind.'' glimlachde hij.

Suzy haalde haar schouders op en knikte. ''She won't die. That's not happening.'' zei Suy en keek kort op naar de anderen toe. ''I just have the feeling like I can attack someone in this room this any second.'' mompelde ze. De honger begon heviger te worden. ''But I will kill my self if I feed on one of my friends.'' slikte ze en pakte zijn hand vast terwijl ze zuchtte. ''Let's go back to the others before we get locked in there.'' zei ze en keek hem aan met een glimlachje. ''And okay, I'll keep you on that.'' glimlachde ze.


''Lex malla, lex nulla''



22, female

  Level 17

Posts: 1380

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

from Nemesis on 10/23/2016 04:01 PM

"I miss our late night talks, you know talking for hours  and hours will we fall asleep. I meas snuggling up at you at night. It's  so lonely in that room. I'm already glad it doesn't  looks like our room, but my room in the Salvatore house. Because otherwise I had to renew our whole bedroom, because I would be traumatised by it. " zei Alexis. "The only really plus about the fact that this is our wedding, we don't  actually have to do anything about it, the others have all of these jobs, and we just have to fit some clothes and tast cakes. Although the dress fitting part wasn't  a real succes."

"I'm sure we'll get blood, and the others food. If he would really let us starve to death in here, his fun would be over real fast. So I don't think that will happen. And don't  worry, I'll just hold you back, because no one is killing them selfs in here"  zei Stefan terwijl  hij met haar de salon uit liep. "What was my job again? Oh yeah  marrying those two. I still have to read myself into that. Great"  zuchtte hij. "Anyways, I think we have to go back to our rooms any minute, because there's nothing muh at the planning  for today"  zei Stefan. "Just stay strong okay, I know you  can do this"  knikte Stefan.


These voices in my head screaming "Run now", I'm praying that they're human

Reply Edited on 10/23/2016 04:01 PM.


23, female

  Level 28

Posts: 4355

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

from Skullet on 10/23/2016 06:37 PM

Kai glimlachde even kort op wat ze zei en knikte instemmend. "I know, so do I. And we will have them back soon enough, hopefully.'' zei hij nog en streelde een paar lokken uit haar gezicht terwijl hij kort zuchtte. ''Well even renovating the bedroom wouldn't be that difficult to be honest. Pretty easy if I say so.'' zei hij nog en streelde langs haar haren heen. ''Everything will be fine Alexis. For now atleast.'' mompelde hij, het laatste wat zachter dan anders maar hij wist wel dat ze het kon horen.

Suzy staarde voor zich uit en zuchtte even kort. ''That's true, but it feels like I'm already dying without blood. I know  I can survive without it for a few days. But it feels like I was asleep for litteraly days.'' zei ze en volgde Stefan door het gebouw heen. Deze plaats zelf zag er al extreem groot uit. ''And yes probably, let's hope this night or night. I don't even know what a day feels like anymore. Lost count of it...'' zuchtte ze en keek op naar hem en glimlachde kort.


''Lex malla, lex nulla''



22, female

  Level 17

Posts: 1380

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

from Nemesis on 10/23/2016 07:24 PM

"Well we don't have to renovate our bedroom, just my one in the salvatore house. Because I can't  look at my bed without seeing my now dead parents on it, and I can't look at my walls and floor without  seeing their blood on it. All of that because I didn't listen to it. Because I couldn't handle myself" zei ze. Ze knikte "You know, when I took my ring off, I kinda felt a little warmer. Like the ring is one thing that is blocking the magic. And it's  probably multiple things that are blocking it" dacht ze naar hem. Ze pakte zijn hand  "I noticed you had a kind of engagement ring too, or promesing ring I don't  know" dacht ze naar hem. "But as soon as I took it of, the alarm went off, but at the wedding, we have to get them off, so we atleast have it a little bit easier"  dacht ze.

"Yeah me too, I don't  even know for how long we've been in here"  zei Stefan. "And I know, I quess this is a good test to learn to keep our cravings under control"  knikte hij. "Or we can do the same as Kai and Alexis did, but then with Matt or Bonnie or whoever, because we can't  from each other obviously"  fluisterde hij. "And also who knows for how long we've been asleep till we woke up? It could be a day, but it also could have been weeks"  zei hij en liep naar een stoel waar hij ging zitten. "Let's just hope, Kai and Alexis their plan is going to work, and that  we'll get out of here"  zuchtte hij.


These voices in my head screaming "Run now", I'm praying that they're human

Reply Edited on 10/24/2016 07:09 AM.


23, female

  Level 28

Posts: 4355

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

from Skullet on 10/24/2016 09:42 PM

Kai keek haar aan en schudde kort zijn hoofd. ''Then that room is getting renovated. Not that you will be there that often anymore since you sleep somewhere else. But I guess that is a nice thought.'' zei hij en keek haar aan terwijl hij een kus drukte op haar wang. Opeens was haar stem niet meer hardop, maar in zijn gedachtes. Dat betekende dus praten zonder dat de anderen het hoorden. Hij keek kort naar zijn hand en dan naar de ring die hij er kort vanaf schoof om het beter de bestuderen en hij voelde inderdaad dat zijn handen en lichaam een stuk warmer werden. ''That ring is blocking probably already 50% of my magic.'' dacht hij terug en deed hem weer terug om zijn vinger.

Suzy keek Stefan aan en knikte instemmend. ''To be honest I don't think I can survive without blood really. It's already hard to just keep standing here without putting my teeth in the neck of my best friends.'' slikte ze en keek om zich heen. ''But we'll have to try, that's the best at this stage.'' zei ze met een kort glimlachje terwijl ze over zijn arm heen ging en kort slikte. ''And I hope so too. I hope to god it works.'' fluisterde ze.


''Lex malla, lex nulla''



22, female

  Level 17

Posts: 1380

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

from Nemesis on 10/26/2016 05:12 PM

"I know, it is probably stupid and doesn't  know we actually would get to know this. Don't  take it of though, it will punsish you directly for it" dacht ze. Ze keek naar zijn andere ring met de hartslagen. "I still miss them so much, can you  imagine that they either would be at home alone now, or in here with us. This world would have been so dangerous for them, atleast mystic falls. We could  have need to move. I'm still sad they didn't  make it, and still mad at Bonnie. They were inocent, they didn't  deserve to die" dacht ze.

Stefan keek naar Suzy "But it's  a bit hard, because, the boys don't have long hair to cover it up, and Bonnie doesn't either. The only one we could ask is Alex, or we can wait to see if the power really turns out, and then drink from the polse of someone"  fluisterde Stefan. "But I think we are going to get some really  soon, they can't  let us die yet, the  game would be over to soon, and nobody will even make it to the wedding"  zei hij.


These voices in my head screaming "Run now", I'm praying that they're human

Reply Edited on 10/26/2016 05:13 PM.


23, female

  Level 28

Posts: 4355

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

from Skullet on 10/26/2016 11:04 PM

Kai keek haar aan en streelde langs de andere ring die nog rond zijn vinger zat. Hij had gedacht dat ze die bij hem af zouden doen, maar dat was niet gebeurd en daar was hij extreem blij om. Rustig luisterde hij naar de stem in zijn hoofd en knikte instemmend. ''I know, I miss them too. But there's nothing we can change about what happened. Sadly we can't..'' dacht hij terug en keek Alexis aan. ''I'm just glad your alive, and well and okay and still breathing. After everything that happened in this world.'' dacht hij.

Suzy keek Stefan aan en zuchtte even kort. ''Yes okay, that's true. Ugh. We'll just have to figure something out before you need to hold me back and rip them a part and turn into a monster again..'' zuchtte ze en keek kort op. ''I have a feeling the..'' zei ze maar met dat kwam het gene al waar. Het grote alarm klonk doorheen de zaal en het begon donker te worden met licht dat de grond weer belichtte. ''Please follow the lighted pathway back to your rooms.'' klonk de harde robot stem in de ruimte. ''God no..'' fluisterde Suzy kort en keek Stefan aan.


''Lex malla, lex nulla''



22, female

  Level 17

Posts: 1380

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

from Nemesis on 10/27/2016 06:57 AM

Alexis knikte "I'm glad that you're okay to" dacht ze. "And we'll get out of here, I know it. I mean you've been in my life for almost a year now, but before that we've had some pretty hard thing to deal with too, but me and my friends, we always find a way. There hasn't  been one time we didn't. We have even beaten Sillas, one of the first witches and creator of immortality. That sucker is now all locked up"  zei ze. De deur vloog weer open en de stem klonk weer door de ruimte. Ze stond op en liep  met Kai richting de kamers. "I'll see you soon again"  zei ze en gaf hem nog een kus.

"Well seems like I don't  have to hold you back, we're going to get locked up again so you can't go anywhere"  zei Stefan. "What is wrong?"  vroeg hij. "What is is that you have a feeling about?" Vroeg hij en liep langzaam met haar naar de deur. "You're going to be just fine, I mean I don't  think it is going to kill us, because the game would be to soon  over. Whatever hapens, I'll be there when the doors go open, just like I said I would, Okay?" zei hij en gaf haar nog een kus op haar voorhoofd.


These voices in my head screaming "Run now", I'm praying that they're human

Reply Edited on 10/27/2016 06:58 AM.


23, female

  Level 28

Posts: 4355

Re: TVDORPG| Love is a crazy thing [18+]

from Skullet on 10/27/2016 04:45 PM

Kai keek zuchtend op bij het horen van de stem die hun deze keer op een rustigere manier terug lieten lopen naar de kamers. Samen met Alexis stapte hij weer terug naar de kamers en zo wachtte hij even kort voor haar deur en glimlachde kort. ''You'll be fine Alexis. You'll make it.'' glimlachde hij naar haar en beantwoorde haar kus terwijl hij na dat terug liep naar zijn eigen kamer. Zuchtend keek hij op zich heen en hoorde de deur achter hem dicht vallen in het slot.

Suzy keek op toen hij dat zei. ''I don't know. It feels lik everytime I walk in that room or my own room. It feels like I'm back home and it makes me think about everything I did to my parents. Or well, steph mom- and dad. But I can't blame any one but myself for that.'' zuchtte ze en keek hem aan terwijl ze kort luisterde. ''Thankgod you will be.'' fluisterde ze en glimlachde kort op het voelen van zijn lippen op haar voorhoofd en knikte kort. ''Be safe.'' mompelde ze nog totdat ze de kamer in verdween.


''Lex malla, lex nulla''

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